SMH review: After MAFS, MKR, The Bachelor, ABC new series Employable Me redeems reality TV

At a time when so much commercial TV is bereft of diverse casts and stories, this ABC series about people with neuro conditions looking for work is all the more commendable.

ABC, Tuesday, 8.30pm

It's not often Elvis Presley comes to mind when watching a series about people with neuro diverse conditions looking for work, but here we go: "If I could be you, if you could be me, for just one hour if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind".

It's the opening verse from his 1970 song Walk a Mile, and it's the best recommendation I could give for watching Employable Me.

Because tonight's opening episode literally does just that – it puts you in the room with three job hopefuls – Rohan and Tim, who both have autism, and Kayla, who has Tourette syndrome – as they explain their situations and what being employed would mean to them.

Rohan, 21, is wonderfully unfiltered, constantly interacting with the off-camera producer; while Kayla, 20, soldiers on through her Tourette's – which includes extreme swearing and exhausting physical tics – with a great sense of humour (her song at the closing credits is a must-watch). Tim, 28, is the quietest of the three, his autism induces a high level of social anxiety, but his shy smile at the end of the episode is something special (it made me tear up, anyway).

The other stars of the show are the parents and siblings who support Rohan, Tim and Kayla with such love. These mums are tiger mothers, while Rohan's dad is the kind of supportive father you normally only see in 1980s US sitcoms. And our jobseekers all want what everyone wants – to succeed, find purpose and self-esteem.

It's not always easy viewing – watching Tim and Rohan deliver their CVs to local businesses is incredibly awkward, mainly because everyone is acutely aware they are being filmed and an already difficult interaction is dialled up to 11 – but it is worthwhile.

And I'm not talking worthwhile as in "worthy" – as in "Sigh, I better donate to the Save the Guinea Pig Society after I've finished training for my half-marathon in aid of disaffected ferns and listened to that podcast on the dispossessed penguins of South America" – but because they are strong, funny and heartfelt stories about real people. You know, the ones that aren't on Married at First Sight, Bachelor in Paradise or My Kitchen Rules.

The ABC commissioned Employable Me as part of an effort to bring more diverse stories to the screen and for that they should be applauded – especially at a time when the majority of the programs on commercial television screens feature casts who are more homogenised than milk.

If we want to truly become a more empathetic society, we need to take a leaf from Elvis's back catalogue and walk a mile in someone else's shoes. And I really hope the phone starts ringing for everyone involved in this series, because if anyone deserves a chance it is them.


Employable Me is a ‘million times better than Bachelor’